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Wealth Management

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Wealth Management

David Stirling explains wealth management and what it involves.

What is wealth management and why is it so important?

Wealth management is the part of financial services that assists you in managing your money. We provide you with advisory services including comprehensive guidance on finance, taxation, estate planning and legal areas.

The main objective of wealth management is to maximise your wealth and ensure your financial security, and to help preserve your assets for future generations. It’s quite a broad reaching area of financial advice that touches on quite a few issues.

Who can benefit from wealth management. Can anyone?

Most people could benefit from wealth management, although many of us think of it as being for the very affluent. Very rich people do look for bespoke solutions like estate and tax planning.

But wealth management also applies to those looking to save cash for an emergency fund or for a rainy day. Somebody might want to save for their children or their grandchildren. The range of the clients that do need financial advice is very broad.

What’s included in wealth management?

Wealth management is all about establishing your financial objectives and developing plans to meet those objectives. Are people saving for a child’s wedding, a car or a house deposit? Are they saving for retirement? We’re working out the client’s life goals with them.

We use cash flow modelling for that, and we assist customers to increase their overall wealth. That might be by setting aside money and taking care of their finances and investments in the future.

We also include estate planning, trust and asset protection, designed to preserve your assets for future generations. When you pass away, how can you pass on your estate to your children or your beneficiaries in the most tax efficient way?

We also help clients plan for retirement. That often tends to be the main thrust for wealth management.

What costs are involved with wealth management?

The fees tend to be bespoke to each client. There are different levels of service. Somebody who’s investing a very small amount wouldn’t want to be paying large fees, so they would get a less hands-on service.

Someone who needs bespoke planning would perhaps pay a little bit more. It tends to be based on the level of service that’s required. Initial meetings are held at our cost, and that includes any research. The client would always know beforehand what any cost would be and what service would be included with that.

Do they require cash flow modelling? In some cases they do, in some cases they don’t. That’s an additional cost, so it’s bespoke to each client.

How can a financial adviser help when it comes to wealth management?

Financial advisers help you review your current financial situation. We will create a practical plan for meeting your financial objectives. We assist customers to increase their overall wealth and take care of their finances and investments for their future.

It takes quite a lot of work behind the scenes to get to that stage, looking at levels of risk and things like that. So a financial advisor can help greatly with people’s future.

The value of pensions & investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise. You may not get back the amount originally invested.

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